Part 1 Continued - Saving to mongodb

I decided to build an online course aggregator and introduced the project in this post, and last week I started part 1 explaining the backend and creating the first provider class for coursera. This post I will dive into the storage engines, initially I created two storage engines; mongodb and postgres using sql alchemy.

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Part 1 - Creating a python based backend

I decided to build an online course aggregator and introduced the project in this post. This post is part 1 of the series and I will break down how I build the backend aggregation framework. The whole point of this project is to build a full stack application as both a learning exercise and an in-depth blogging topic.

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MOOCs are Massive Open Online Courses, and I have had the time to take a few of them. These courses have probably been the best college courses I have taken of any kind, in terms of how much I learned and have been able to apply to my day to day work. This makes sense as I have been able to pick courses that interest me or apply specifically to my job versus my normal course work where the college decides what I need. The other reason they have been great is because they are provided by some of the best universities or professors in that topic.

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